On the 10th of November of 1945, the World Youth Conference, organised in London, founded the World Federation of Democratic Youth. This historic conference convened –at the initiative of the World Youth Council, which was formed during World War II– to struggle against fascism. It brought together representatives of different political tendencies and religious beliefs from 63 nations, representing more than 30 million young people worldwide, but with a common ground against the Nazi-Fascist barbarism and Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. It adopted a pledge for peace and international solidarity, which stated:
"We pledge that we shall remember this unity, forged in this month, November 1945. Not only today, not only this week, this year, but always. Until we have built the world we have dreamed of and fought for. We pledge ourselves to build the unity of the youth of the world. All races, all colours, all nationalities, all beliefs. To eliminate all traces of fascism from the earth. To build a deep and sincere international
friendship among the peoples of the world. To keep a just lasting peace. To eliminate want, frustration, and enforced idleness. We have come to confirm the unity of all youth salute our comrades who have died and pledge our word that skilful hands, keen brains and young enthusiasm shall never more be wasted in war. FORWARD FOR OUR FUTURE!”
Nowadays, the World Federation of Democratic Youth is still an active and militant International non-governmental organisation with more than 150 member organisations in every corner of the world. As an anti-imperialist organisation, WFDY organises hundreds of solidarity missions, meetings, conferences, campaigns, and activities. Since its foundation, WFDY has fought against the number one enemy of the peoples, capitalism in its imperialist stage, with the conviction that, through the unity, work and struggle of the young workers and students, we will build the world we have dreamed of and fought for.